The Midlife Roadmap:

To get where you’re going,
you have to first know where you are.

It’s not your imagination. Time is whizzing by.

So now maybe you’re feeling a little lost. You realize that more than half your life is behind you and you sense the pressure that comes from time passing. But you don’t have a clear vision of which direction to go. The fork in the road feels like a T-intersection, and straight ahead, well that just might be a cliff!

No matter what your particular scenario is, I’m glad you’re here, because it means you’re ready to get into the drivers’ seat. And to take that analogy a little further, whenever you’re driving in unfamiliar territory, it’s a really good idea to bring along a map.

I’ve created a program I call Midlife Roadmap. It starts by helping you determine where you are, because you can’t really know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been. I’ll help you define your destination, look for potential road hazards and even create a packing list for what you’ll need to ensure that you actually get there.

The program is a blend of teaching, group coaching and guided personal exploration. If you do the work, you will get clarity. And when we’re done, you’ll be heading in the right direction!

This course will help you:

  • Be able to identify what is “off” in your world if you don’t already know
  • Envision what the next chapter of your life could look like
  • Believe that you can have it
  • Have some clear “next steps” toward what you want…or away from what you don’t
  • Feel a sense of momentum to carry you forward and the desire to keep going

Midlife Roadmap is a seven-week, online program that includes:

  • Valuable, evidence-based tools to help you uncover old patterns, limiting beliefs and blind spots
  • Deep questions, asked in a non-threatening way, to help you see the path—your path—more vividly
  • Enjoyable exercises and journal prompts designed to make the process actually feel fun
  • Expert instruction, support and guidance…every step of the way

How it works:

  • Each unit has several exercises accompanied by video instruction. You can easily complete the program in seven weeks.
  • Plus, our community has its own private group on Facebook. You’ll be able to give and receive feedback and gather with other midlife women.
  • When you complete your last unit, we’ll set up a one-on-one coaching session to discuss your roadmap and other things you learned during the process.

Let me ask you…

Are you tired of waiting?

Waiting for things to settle down…waiting until there’s more certainty…waiting for the time to be just right before you get on with your life?

Look, I get it, especially these days … with the virus, the social turmoil, the strains on the economy and the supply chain. You don’t want to make an imprudent decision. And yet, as a midlife courage coach, I get a front row view, and I’ve seen plenty of people put their whole lives on hold, not taking any action, not using this time to explore their options.

You see, when we wait out of a desire for all the stars to align more or less perfectly, we surrender our power.

What I mean by that is we let something outside of ourselves determine what we think and what we do, especially when it comes to how we proceed … or don’t proceed … with our plans.

I see people all the time who decide to wait for conditions to be optimal before they make a move. And by then, they’re behind the 8-ball.

Let me be perfectly clear here. Waiting until you achieve internal clarity can be prudent. But waiting until “the time is right” to do anything at all, amounts to being stuck in quicksand.

Right now is the perfect time to find your internal clarity. To assess what you want to do with your next chapter. To put your plans firmly into place.

If anything I am saying strikes a chord, I want to share The Midlife Roadmap with you. Don’t waste another minute waiting until all the stars align.


How is this different from the other online programs I’ve done before?

For starters, I designed The Midlife Roadmap to be something you actually want to keep doing. It’s a step-by-step process, and I built it so you won’t ever feel overwhelmed. So if you’re worried that it won’t work for you, don’t be. If you commit to the process, The Midlife Roadmap will not let you down. And neither will I.

How much time will this course take me every week?

That’s up to you. You can do the work on your own schedule, but my suggestion is to devote 30 minutes or so to the process each day. I have also included some small breaks to give you time to digest, assimilate, plan…or catch up if you need to. And if you have more free time you can devote to the program, that’s even better. I’ll give you ways to take your learning even deeper.

What happens if I miss a meeting?

No sweat. We record each gathering. Watch at your convenience or re-watch if you want to see what you missed the first time.

Do I need to be at a certain stage of life for this to work?

Nope. As long as you consider yourself a midlife woman, you qualify. 40s, 50s, 60, 70s, 80s…each decade leads to new questions—and discoveries. (And yes, I have worked with women who are in every one of those decades!)

What happens after I join?

I’ll send you a welcome email with instructions on how to access the materials we’ll be using to get started. After that, you’ll receive access to the videos, handouts and exercises as we go along. At the conclusion of the program, you and I will have a private session to process where you go from there.

How much is it?

It’s $497, and it includes all the handouts, recordings of our meetings, custom-developed videos and one on one time with me. (Heads up: I only offer this class once a year.)

And if I have other questions?

Reach out to me by email or grab one of the handful of 10-minute appointments I’ve made available for you.

YES! Change is possible.

The Midlife Roadmap is available right now. That means a plan for the next chapter of your life is available right now!

I am ready to go…what do I do?

That’s an easy one….Just go here.

Only $997